Why Collect Double Eagles?

Double Eagles are highly valued collectible coins with a rich connection to American history. Their historical significance and beauty attract both coin collectors and history enthusiasts. Collecting Double Eagles isn’t just about owning coins but also connecting with a unique part of the United States’ past.

Key Historical Facts about Double Eagles

1849First Double Eagles minted (2 proof coins)
1850Regular production begins
1907Augustus Saint-Gaudens redesigns the Double Eagle
1933Production of Double Eagles ends
ShipwrecksS.S. Central America, S.S. Republic, S.S. Brother Jonathan

Reasons to Collect Double Eagles

High DenominationLargest U.S. coin in circulation ($20)
Gold ContentMade from gold, appealing to investors and collectors alike
Historical SignificanceLinks to the Gold Rush, Civil War, and American expansion
Shipwreck RecoveriesCoins recovered from famous shipwrecks add extra value

The History of the Double Eagle

Origins of the Double Eagle

The Double Eagle coin wouldn’t have existed without the California Gold Rush. This gold rush, which began in 1848, significantly increased the amount of gold available in the U.S. In 1849, Congress authorized the minting of the $20 Double Eagle coin. Before this, the largest U.S. coin was the $10 Eagle. Since the new coin’s value was twice that of the Eagle, it was named the “Double Eagle.”

Two proof coins were made in 1849, and regular production of Double Eagles began in 1850. They were minted continuously until 1933, and became one of the most popular coins for circulation and collection. Early Double Eagles were made in Philadelphia, San Francisco, and New Orleans.

Design Changes in 1907

In 1907, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, a famous sculptor, redesigned the Double Eagle. His design, requested by President Theodore Roosevelt, is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful in American coin history. The Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle went through several changes as the United States grew and evolved, adding to its historical value. For coin collectors, this redesign adds an artistic element to the coin’s worth.

Collecting Double Eagles

Double Eagles are the most sought-after rare coins in the U.S. gold market. They are valued for several reasons:

  • High Denomination: The Double Eagle was the highest denomination U.S. coin meant for circulation.
  • Gold Content: Made from gold, these coins attract collectors interested in both the metal and the coin’s history.
  • Shipwreck Recoveries: In recent years, Double Eagles have become more available because of treasure recoveries from shipwrecks like the S.S. Central America and S.S. Republic. These ships were carrying large quantities of gold coins when they sank.

How to Collect Double Eagles

Collectors approach Double Eagles in different ways. Some collect coins from each year, while others focus on certain mint locations, like Philadelphia. Others are interested in shipwreck-recovered coins, which add an exciting adventure aspect to their collection.

Another popular collecting strategy is to focus on historical periods like the Civil War, collecting coins minted during the war. These coins offer a tangible connection to the past, making the collection more meaningful.


Double Eagles are not just coins; they are pieces of history. Their connection to the California Gold Rush, their beautiful design, and their gold content make them highly valuable and attractive to collectors. Whether you’re interested in the coins’ history or their beauty, Double Eagles offer a unique and exciting opportunity for coin collectors of all levels.


What is a Double Eagle coin?

A Double Eagle is a $20 U.S. gold coin first minted in 1849. It became one of the largest and most valuable coins in U.S. history.

Why are Double Eagles valuable?

Double Eagles are valuable due to their high denomination, gold content, historical significance, and rarity.

What are the most famous Double Eagle designs?

The most famous design is the 1907 Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle, considered one of the most beautiful American coins.

Can you still buy Double Eagles today?

Yes, many Double Eagles are available through auctions, coin dealers, and recovered shipwreck treasures.

What makes shipwreck-recovered Double Eagles special?

These coins are rare and often come with fascinating stories of survival from historic shipwrecks, adding to their collectible value.

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